Discover our services dedicated to digital and social media management to grow your online presence.
Digital Marketing
Finally, through proven distribution models, we will ensure that your digital project reaches key audiences efficiently.
The most expensive mistake a brand can make in social media is launching channels or programs without a strategy. We invented the Community Analysis and Engagement Plan and have developed over 200 brand strategies.
Frequently asked questions
What is business digital marketing and why is it important for my business?
Digital marketing is the promotion or advertisement of your product, service, or business online or via the Internet. Depending on the business type, goals, or where the business is at in its business lifecycle, the efforts may vary. It is important to work with a marketing team that understands your goals and knows how to create a comprehensive strategy to be able to identify the most profitable channels.
Digital marketing consists of many different types of marketing strategies, but the spectrum of services generally consists of website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies like blog writing, video marketing, and email marketing. Even within the above strategies are subsets of the different types of digital marketing.
Within search engine optimization consists local search engine optimization, national search engine optimization, link building, and reputation management. Types of pay-per-click advertising include local pay-per-click advertising, national pay-per-click advertising, and Facebook advertising. Social media marketing plays across many different platforms depending on the type of business you are in, but some of the most important networks are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Content marketing consists of creating valuable and memorable content to be distributed to customers or those interested in your space.
Each of these services plays important roles in a strategy. Your business may need some or all of them depending on many different factors.
Digital marketing has shifted the paradigm of marketing from one that uses an outbound approach to one that uses an inbound marketing approach. Customers know what they want and when they want it and they head online to get what they want when they want it. Gone are the days of fishing with a large net in the ocean and here are the days of fishing with sonar radar in a barrel. Inbound marketing helps businesses generate traffic to their website and turn website visitors into paying customers.
Digital marketing is one of the most important types of marketing you can do for your business. Not only is it crucial in this digital age, but it also presents the best opportunity for ROI because it is attributable and trackable to identify where leads and sales are coming from on a minute-by-minute basis.
What type of support do you provide my business on your products or services?
All of our products and services come with personalized support from our amazing team. We pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible and making sure that we are available 24/7 for your support.
We are strong advocates of reporting transparency, which is why we have invested in a state-of-the-art dashboard* that provides you with robust reporting on your campaigns at all times. Think of an executive marketing dashboard that you can log into and see insights 24/7/365 on your marketing strategy.
At the end of the day, we are marketing consultants that are here to assist your business in any way possible and help you grow your business into everything you ever dreamed of it being. We will be there to give you honest advice and answers at every given moment.
Why is it important for my business to be active on social media?
Social media is an incredible way to tap into potential customers over and over again. It is also a great platform to increase brand exposure and awareness. It is said that we must interact with a customer almost 17 times before they are ready to take-action with our business. Social media is a great way to keep a consistent message and presence with your potential customers. Your customer expects you to be on social media and the platform allows you an opportunity to get people talking about your business. Social media is a great way to connect and interact with existing customers and influence potential ones.
At the end of the day, we are marketing consultants that are here to assist your business in any way possible and help you grow your business into everything you ever dreamed of it being. We will be there to give you honest advice and answers at every given moment.
Why is content marketing so important?
Content marketing is so important because it drives potential customers to your website. By creating valuable pieces of content you are able to show potential customers that you are an expert in your industry and might offer products or services that can help them.
Think of the content that is created for content marketing as a lead magnet. This content, in the form of blog posts, videos, or email campaigns, is used to supply valuable information to your potential customer in hopes that they come to your site and then see that you can solve their problem with your own products or services.
Content marketing is also a great way to increase SEO rankings and it gives us something to post on social media that will allow us to continuously tap into our followers or new potential followers.
At the end of the day, we are marketing consultants that are here to assist your business in any way possible and help you grow your business into everything you ever dreamed of it being. We will be there to give you honest advice and answers at every given moment.
What type of content marketing does Quicksilver Digital Group offer?
Quicksilver Digital Group offers all different types of content marketing including, but not limited to, blog post writing, guest blog writing, article writing, SEO content writing, video creation, email campaigns, and much, much more.
Content marketing is also a great way to increase SEO rankings and it gives us something to post on social media that will allow us to continuously tap into our followers or new potential followers.
At the end of the day, we are marketing consultants that are here to assist your business in any way possible and help you grow your business into everything you ever dreamed of it being. We will be there to give you honest advice and answers at every given moment.
What is the best form of content marketing?
There is no “best form” of content marketing. Again, it all depends on your business and the industry that you are in. As the marketing experts, we at Flying V Group will help you determine what the best strategy is going to be for your business moving forward.
What is the difference between Facebook Ads and other forms of PPC?
Facebook Advertising is different from other forms of paid search advertising because Facebook allows us to run many different types of ad campaigns that might not necessarily be available on the Google or Bing Network. Also, Facebook Advertising is what we would consider passive advertising instead of active advertising. Active advertising is when we place an ad in front of a user that is actively looking for our product or service. This normally happens on a search network like Google or Bing. Passive advertising is when we place advertisements in front of users that we think might be interested in our product or service regardless of whether or not they are actively looking for it at that time.
What's the benefit of having a Search Engine Optimization strategy?
An SEO strategy is one that is going to pay dividends down the road. We like to use this analogy for SEO efforts:
Imagine trying to push a large boulder. At first, it is extremely hard to get the giant object that is not moving to start moving. But, once you start to apply more and more pressure and energy, the boulder slowly begins to move. Once the boulder starts to move it becomes easier and easier to get the boulder to move faster and faster. At some point, if you’re not careful, the boulder will be rolling out of control. This is the same as SEO efforts.
Earning SEO rankings do not happen overnight because there are many other competitors that are either better positioned or have been putting in SEO efforts for a longer period of time. But, once your website starts to see increased rankings then it is really like a chain-effect. Traffic will increase more and more as we place you higher in search rankings and things will start to grow exponentially month-over-month as we continue to add more and more relevant content and information that leads back to your website.
Can you work with a business website that has already been created and re-designed it?
Yes, of course. More often than not we will look to do a complete website re-design, but only if it is needed. Sometimes websites only need slight technical SEO configurations and a few minor adjustments to the design. There is no reason to re-design a well-designed website. Instead, we can take the existing design, maximize the technical SEO configurations, and then begin promoting the website online
Why do I need digital marketing for my business?
Having a website is not enough these days. The internet has become one of the most competitive spaces and everyone is competing with the mass amounts of traffic and users online. While a website is extremely important and serves as the foundation for your online marketing presence, it is just that, a foundation. Promotion of your website via other digital marketing channels is important to set your business apart and give you every opportunity to attract a new visitors, which will hopefully turn into new customer.
Digital marketing is the promotion of your brand and the service you need to battle against competitors that do not only exist locally, but now exist nationally and internationally against your business.
With a strong online presence and digital marketing strategy, the opportunity to scale your business successfully is enormous. Digital marketing presents opportunity for exponential business growth and return multiples that are better than any other advertising opportunity.
Which social media accounts do you manage for my business?
We manage and create content for the following social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.
What type of activities do you perform on my social media accounts?
All of our social media marketing activities include content creation, post creation, user engagement, and activities that are designed to increase your company’s exposure on social media networks. We also aim to increase your follower and like counts to add to the number of potential clients that we are able to tap into each and every single time we post.
Do I need to be on all of the social media networks?
No. Certain social media networks are better for certain business types. We will analyze your business and then determine what the best social media networks will be for your business and your business goals. We make sure that you are on networks that will return on your investment and not waste your time.
Who determines what topics you will create content about?
We both work together to determine what questions or concerns your potential customers might have and how we can answer them for them via our content.
For example, if you offer cleaning services, you might write an article on the best cleaning products. If someone is struggling with cleaning their home, they might search for this topic. The goal is to get them on your website via this article and then hopefully they would just rather have you clean their home and they contact you. It’s that simple!
How can the content that is created be used for my business?
The content that is created will be used in many different ways for your business. The content can be used to do the following:
- Share on Social Media
- Send Out in an Email Blast
- Post on Your Website
- Use for Physical Marketing Material
What is better? Active or Passive Advertising?
It really depends on what you are trying to do. Active advertising (Google and Bing) is great because we can place ads in front of users that are searching for our product and service using primarily keywords. Active advertising is also generally more expensive.
Passive advertising (Facebook and Google Display Network) is great because it allows us to target with extreme demographic targeting, especially Facebook. If we want to put an ad up in front of people that are realtors, we can certainly do this with the Facebook Advertising platform. Advertising is also generally cheaper.
It’s hard to say whether or not one is better than the other. Let us help you figure that out based on your business requirements!
How quickly will i see SEO results?
It depends and we offer NO guarantees. Anyone that does offer you guarantees might as well be a snake-oil salesman. SEO takes time, effort, and patience. When we first start, we normally target lower competitive keywords with average amounts of traffic since these are easier to rank for. As time goes on and we gain more ground on the lower competitive keywords we will start to target the more competitive keywords.
Generally, ranking improvements can take anywhere from 3-6 months, with lasting effects generally coming in at around one year. The beauty is that SEO rankings, if maintained, will be extremely beneficial for you in the future and will create incredible ROI as time moves forward. The only wrong decision you can make in regards to SEO is doing nothing at all.
SEO is like a snowball rolling downhill. At first it starts out small and slow, but as efforts increase and more and more SEO efforts are added, the snowball begins to get bigger and bigger and starts to roll down the hill out of control. The same will happen with your website traffic!
Why is SEO so important?
SEO is important because it helps to make your presence and visibility online much more prominent. When performing SEO efforts, we are creating valuable information and social proof that leads online users back to your business. This inbound marketing strategy is so incredibly valuable and will allow you to reach potential customers that you might not have ever reached in the past. A strong SEO strategy can take your business from zero to one hundred and create an impenetrable force online.